Sunday, May 8, 2016

CST 311 Week 2

Week 2

This week has been very informative and took be a bit longer to complete in comparison to last week. That may be because I took more detailed notes when I watched the video to help me complete the quiz for the end of the week's content. I think it was beneficial to take the notes. Even when I didn't capture the information that I needed there, I was able to go back and reference the correct video to get the information I needed.

This week we've been focused on HTTP and FTP. Getting to know the different protocols has been very interesting. I had a general idea of HTTP, but no knowledge of FTP. It's really interesting that FTP opens an additional port to transfer data and then closes it immediately after the data is sent, but keeps one open regardless of the data being sent.

A simple socket programming exercise was sent out this week. I've been working on it in Java (there's a handful of languages to pick from). So far I haven't had much luck, but I am going to continue chipping away at it. I think it's a really good exercise and I personally benefit from hands-on experience, so I'm really happy about this extra credit assignment. Really, I wouldn't be too upset if it were a regular homework assignment.

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