Sunday, August 14, 2016

CST 361s Week 6

Week 6

This week was much lighter work-wise and I really appreciated it! I was able to get a lot more done on the website for my service-learning partner. I'm really happy with the work I've been able to do and I hope that they like my improvements. I attempted to make their website more admin-friendly while I completed tasks by adding useful content to their dashboard, cleaning up the navigation links to only the ones used, and also renaming some of the links to be clearer. I put a ton of hours into working with my partner the past couple of weeks and completed 30 hours worth of work. I've sent off all of the forms to wrap up that portion of the course and will get it turned in soon.

As for the coursework, we basically just created a storyboard for our mini-documentary and did some reflection assignments (video and analysis of vide). They're pretty straightforward, but I definitely struggled with the documentary portion and will likely struggle more with creating the documentary itself! Working remotely has extreme disadvantages here, but I'll use what I have access to in order to make something that is hopefully at least presentable.

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