This week has been very wild! I ended up taking a vacation day on Wednesday (when the content came out) because I had weekend commitments that were very time-consuming. I'm so glad I did. I don't think I wouldn't have been able to finish off my work if I hadn't. I also had to create a video this week discussing how I was planning on working on the assignment for this week. It's attached below. I find it challenging to talk about how I plan on solving the assignment without showing some code and giving too much detail. My team really helped me through this week and I am so glad that I get to work on these projects with them.
Specific Prompts
GUI is learned late in the game with Java. Do you think this is helpful or harmful and why?
When working with Java, I do think it's helpful to learn to program GUIs. Especially if you're coming from a language that isn't as verbose (like Ruby, JavaScript, or Python). However, it does feel like a totally different thing so it may be perfectly fine to learn the event-driven style prior to the functional way of programming with Java. Although, learning it in parallel may work too (but I could see it getting confusing). In the end, I think it's important for each person to consider what works for them and what they're interested in. If they have a great idea for a GUI to build, they should work on that and skip the console stuff. Same applies in reverse. Whatever keeps you interested and excited.
Why do think that coding the Swing elements in Java would be more difficult compared to some other languages?
Java is very verbose and usually requires a lot of additional steps and lines of code to accomplish something that something, like Python, can do in a few lines. Depending on your background, it may be extremely challenging to using Swing elements in Java. If someone comes from a Ruby background, they're going to have a hard time. They will probably have a pretty easy time and would prefer it if they are experienced with Java, though. Just depends on the perspective.
Github is an awesome tool for version control. I'm glad to see you are using it!